Israel Overview of Economy

A brief guide to Israel economy, Israel economy overview, Inflation rates GDP and other economic indicators in Israel.
The Israeli economy is, without doubt the most developed economy in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The main export branches, many of which enjoy a world-wide reputation are industrial, mainly hi-tech, diamonds, the defense industries, agricultural products and tourism services.
The main sources of the GDP in Israel are services (64%), industry (33%) and agriculture (3%).
The annual GDP growth for 2024 is 1.6% per year.
GDP per capita in Israel (ppp) is $48,300 (world average-$23,010).
Inflation rate is 2.4%.
The unemployment rate in is 3%.
The GDP in 2023 is 509.48 Gross billion U.S. dollars
Israel's annual inflation rate remained unchanged at 2.8% in May 2024.
The ongoing war in Gaza which started in October 2023 has a serious effect on the Israeli economy.
The budget deficit in May 2024 reached 7% of the GDP, above the forecast of a 6.6% deficit for the year 2026.
Economists, including the credit rating agency S&P's forecast a deficit of 8% till the end of 2024.
Israel's population in 2024 is around 9.9 million with an annual growth of 1.6%.
Israel's main export partners are the U.S, Belgium, and Hong Kong.
Israel's main imports in 2024 are from the U.S, Belgium, and Germany.