Russia Territory & Population

Russia Territory
Russia covers 17,075,200 square kilometers and is the largest state in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), and is 1.8 times greater in area than the United States.The population growth in recent years has been negative with an average annual reduction of - 0.5%.
Russia borders on the following states:
To the west - Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
To the east - the Pacific Ocean.
To the north - Norway and the Arctic Ocean.
To the south - Russia has borders with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
Russia Population
Russia is divided into 21 republics, one autonomous district, 6 territories and 10 autonomous regions.The population of Russia was estimated in 2023 as 144,444,359 comprising some 81.5% Russians, 3.8% Tartars and 3% Ukrainians.
Of these, some 16% are members of the Russian Orthodox Church, 10% are Muslims but the vast majority of Russians are atheists.
The main language is Russian.
Population density is very low compared to the European average at 9 persons per square meter compared to an average of 116 per square meter in the EU.