Ukraine UAE Tax Agreement
November 2023The 2021 protocol to the previous 2003 double tax agreement, DTA, between Ukraine and UAE entered into force on October 19, 2023 applying from January 1, 2024.
According to the DTA the tax withholding rates, subject to terms, will be 5%/15% for payments of dividends, depending on the percentage of holding in the paying company share capital.
The tax withholding rate for payments of interest will be 5%.
For royalties the tax withholding rate will be 5%/10%.
Ukraine corporate tax rate in 2023
January 2023For 2023, the corporate income tax rate on general active business income is 18%
Ukraine Space Industy V.A.T.
March 2019The cabinet extended on February 13, 2019 the existing special V.A.T. and customs duty exemptions for space industries till January 1, 2023
Ukraine Tax Update
April 2014According to a new law published on March 31, 2014 some amendments aimed to increase Ukraine's tax income are effective April 1, 2014.
The standard V.A.T rate is 20% with a reduced 7% V.A.T. rate relating to medical products.
The exempt threshold for import by mail is reduced from previous EUR 300 to EUR 150.
Ukraine Tax Update 2014
January 2014Starting January 1, 2014 the new corporate income tax rate in Ukraine is 18% reduced from the previous 19% rate.
The standard VAT rate is also reduced from the previous 20% to 17%
Ukraine New 19% Corporate Income Tax
January 2013Starting January 1, 2013 the corporate income tax rate in Ukraine is 19% compared to the previous 21% rate.
The rate will be further reduced to 16% in 2014.
Ukraine EFTA Free Trade Agreement
June 2012The free trade agreement, FTA, between Ukraine and EFTA, European Free Trade Association, entered into force on June 1, 2012. The new agreement abolishes/reduces custom duties between Ukraine and EFTA.
Ukraine 23% Corporate Income Tax Rate
May 2011Starting April 1, 2011 the new corporate income tax rate is 23%, reduced from the previous 25% rate. The tax rate will be further deuced from 1.1.2012 to 21%. Starting 1.1.2013 to 19% and starting 1.1.2014 to 16%.
Ukraine Film Production Benefits
February 2010The Ukrainian parliment approved V.A.T. exemption for production and services related to production of national films and for foreign films dubbed in Ukraine.
The exemption will be in force for six years, till 1.1.2016.
In addition a new fund to support national cinemtography will be created.
Note: The information in this site is for general guidance only. Users of this site are advised to take professional advice before taking practical tax decisions.
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