It is worth paying attention to the following points at business meetings in Italy:
- The Italians are very fashion conscious.
- Men are recommended to wear a suit and tie at business meetings. In restaurants, a jacket is recommended.
Women are advised to wear simple or elegant clothes. - A handshake is the accepted custom at the start and end of a meeting.
- When visiting 'holy places' men should wear long pants and for women - long pants or a skirt.
- Most large businesses can conduct their correspondence in English. Nevertheless, a courteous letter in Italian will gain more serious attention.
- Gifts - refrain from giving gifts that carry your business logo.
- Do not wrap gifts in the colors yellow or black as these are symbolic of funerals. Similarly, gift-wrapping in purple signifies bad luck.
- It is important to arrive for business meetings on time. Do not be surprised if your Italian colleague is late for the meeting.
- Do not use first names until the acquaintanceship is on a more personal basis.
- At meetings with university graduates, use the title 'Dottore' for a man and 'Dottoressa' for a woman.
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