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This web site is a very comprehensive site that deals with taxation and financial subjects.
It is constructed according to countries and, in all, sites are in the process of being setup for some 70 countries.
The site is dedicated to managers and business people at all levels. Most of the material is provided free of charge, is presented in uncomplicated language and needs no prior knowledge of taxation in order to understand it.

The unique features of the site

The extensive review presented on each country includes a general and economic survey.
More exhaustive information is offered on all the various taxes adopted in that particular country. The site include "tips" for investors who are not residents of that counter and lists any investment benefits available.
The site has around 3,000 links to providers of supporting services such as CPA's, lawyers, banks, government sites, as well as a complete and comprehensive section on the embassies in that country.
A comparative tax table presents details on most countries in the world. In addition, a separate, far - reaching section offers you a basic bookkeeping course.

For example...

Let us assume that you want to create a business in the Czech Republic.
Apart from the general background material, you will, of course, find details of the tax laws and other amplification.
Which lawyer should you select? How do you make contacts with the big banks? How can you locate assessors? How can you establish a connection with the relevant government offices?
These are only some of the questions to which you will find the answer in the site.
To make the search more pleasant, you will find links to hotels and selected restaurants and, of course, a detailed list of embassies and consulates through whom you will be able to obtain any additional information you require.

Email Us

A good site is constructed for its users. We would be very pleased if you email with us your comments and impressions.
It would help us improve and perfect the site in the way you would find most convenient and easy to use.

Our Countries

Czech Republic Finland Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Israel Japan Germany Malta & Poland are our first countries.
Currently we have subsites for 39 countries, and additional tax info for more than other 21 countries.
Totaling more than 60 countries.
In each country we have rich information on tax, tax news, tax rates, tax law, tax experts, VAT and financial info by tax experts, as well as info on news, hotels, embassies, in each country and embassies abroad, banks, government, sites, and many other business tax & finance sites prepared by tax experts.

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